AI Models vs Eye Doctors (RESULTS)

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​ Researchers just tested a bunch of AI models against a bunch of doctors. Here’s who won…

There were 4 groups: Large language models, groups of expert eye doctors, eye doctors in training, and unspecialized junior doctors. Everyone had to answer 87 questions from a standard test that doctors in the UK need to pass before becoming an eye specialist. Here’s how they each did.

The intention of this study is NOT to see if any AI tool can replace any doctors. This study just showed that in this one test, one model’s performance was almost as good as experts. We could imagine a world where more generalized doctors who don’t have easy access to a specialist could ask an AI for a second opinion or help make a referral or even help with a diagnosis. It’s one way researchers are exploring how to improve medical care for more people.

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If you want to read the full study, search this: DOI:10.1371/journal.pdig.0000341

#science #sciencefacts #education #study   Read More Cleo Abram 

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