Full screen list in Maintenance Views

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Hi and welcome to my next SAP Community blog post.

With or without Fiori in the picture, Maintenance View is one of the main tools for maintaining SAP configuration. Reliable and easy to use, it is a proverbial workhorse.

However, since widescreen monitors became a standard, it has always been frustrating to me to see how much space is left unused (not to say wasted) in the list of a Maintenance View. The obvious solution was to modify the screen manually, but this was overwritten whenever a list was recreated.

Today, I will show you a way of making the Maintenance View list use as much space as possible, always.


To achieve this, a modification has to be done to a standard SAP include responsible for creating the screen. The include is called MSVIMF21.

The list screen is created by a function call RPY_DYNPRO_INSERT in two places – line 167 and 226.

To have a list as wide as possible, the calls’ parameters have to be modified – a new screen and list size has to be provided and buttons moved (to make the room for the bigger list). This can be achieved by modifying following parameters:

HEADER – here a new maximum size for the screen has to be provided


FLDS_TO_CONT – here a new position for the Maintenance View list buttons has to be providedFor NAME = VIM_POSI_PUSH
CONT – last but not least, the new size for the table with the records


After these changes are done, the new screen will be generated with a maximum size allowed and with resizing options checked (these are checked by default) – which makes the screen to be sized down in case of a lower resolution.


Thanks to this modification, a list screen of all Maintenance Views will use as much space as possible, making it easier to view and/or maintain configuration. The difference between the standard size and the modified size is clearly visible.




​ IntroductionHi and welcome to my next SAP Community blog post.With or without Fiori in the picture, Maintenance View is one of the main tools for maintaining SAP configuration. Reliable and easy to use, it is a proverbial workhorse. However, since widescreen monitors became a standard, it has always been frustrating to me to see how much space is left unused (not to say wasted) in the list of a Maintenance View. The obvious solution was to modify the screen manually, but this was overwritten whenever a list was recreated.Today, I will show you a way of making the Maintenance View list use as much space as possible, always.ImplementationTo achieve this, a modification has to be done to a standard SAP include responsible for creating the screen. The include is called MSVIMF21.The list screen is created by a function call RPY_DYNPRO_INSERT in two places – line 167 and 226.To have a list as wide as possible, the calls’ parameters have to be modified – a new screen and list size has to be provided and buttons moved (to make the room for the bigger list). This can be achieved by modifying following parameters:HEADER – here a new maximum size for the screen has to be provided FLDS_TO_CONT – here a new position for the Maintenance View list buttons has to be providedFor NAME = VIM_POSI_PUSHFor NAME = VIM_POSITION_INFOCONT – last but not least, the new size for the table with the records After these changes are done, the new screen will be generated with a maximum size allowed and with resizing options checked (these are checked by default) – which makes the screen to be sized down in case of a lower resolution.SummaryThanks to this modification, a list screen of all Maintenance Views will use as much space as possible, making it easier to view and/or maintain configuration. The difference between the standard size and the modified size is clearly visible.Standard:Modified:   Read More Technology Blogs by Members articles 



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