SMS3D · Sora Showcase

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​ We’re continuing to slowly expand Sora testing to more creatives (digital VFX pioneers, architects, choreographers, engineering artists, and creative entrepreneurs) to help us understand the model’s capabilities and limitations, shaping the next phase of research to create increasingly safe AI systems over time. While access is still extremely limited while safety testing is underway, we wanted to celebrate these artists’ work with their reflections on how they use Sora in their process. (The underlying visuals were generated solely with Sora without any VFX, but artists added sound and edited using traditional filmmaking software.)

@sms3d is a design studio and creative consultancy specializing in 3D animations and video direction, founded in Berlin by Frieda Femfert and Till Dumke. They used Sora to pilot their “Neoteric Nature” series exploring the intersection of technology and nature, with support from graphic designer Lena Manger and sound artist Manuel Fischer. “Sora can surprise you with beautifully surreal creations… In terms of subject matter, we found that to arrive at something surreal or detached from reality we had to go through many iterations… The creative process definitely becomes more explorative. Instead of creating a whole picture of what we want to create in advance, we start with an idea and kind of go exploring from there. Sometimes it can be hours of testing and trying but then, once you find something that works it can be magical.”   Read More OpenAI 

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