This Robot Can Search Deep Holes on the Moon

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​ This jumping robot is built to search for underground tunnels on the moon. Here’s why it’s such a big deal – and subscribe if you love optimistic science stories!

NASA is going back to moon for the first time in over 50 years and are planning for a permanent human presence there. But the surface of the moon is dangerous. You’re exposed to things like radiation, meteorites, and extreme temperatures. That’s where this guy comes in. The idea is it would hop around the low gravity surface and look inside pits called “skylights” that scientists believe could be the openings of giant underground tunnels
made from flowing lava back when the moon was just a bunch of hot magma.

When the robot – appropriately named “space hopper” – approaches a hole, it uses ground radar to take pictures of what’s underneath in hopes of discovering these tunnels. Some which are estimated to be big enough to build homes and bases in…

#science #tech #moon #animation #robot   Read More Cleo Abram 

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