Master Design Patterns & SOLID Principles in C# – Full OOP Course for Beginners

Estimated read time 2 min read

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​ In this comprehensive and beginner-friendly course, you will learn all of the tools that you need to become an advanced OOP programmer, writing clean and maintainable software.

What you will learn:
– Fundamental OOP concepts, such as inheritance, composition, encapsulation, abstraction, composition vs inheritance, fragile base class problem.
– Unified Modeling Language (UML) to model your classes and objects, and the relationships between them in a graphical way.
– All five SOLID Principles.
– All 23 “Gang of Four” software design patterns.

💻 Github repo:

✏️ Course created by Dan Adams. Check out his channel:

A book and cheatsheet for this course are also available:
🔗 eBook and design patterns cheatsheet PDF:
🔗 Amazon Kindle eBook & physical book:

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
(0:00:00) Intro
(0:00:33) Course contents
(0:01:34) Gang of Four design patterns
(0:02:39) What are design patterns & why learn them?
(0:05:38) Course prerequisites
(0:06:57) About me
(0:07:32) Book version
(0:08:19) Code repo
(0:08:49) Setup
(0:12:19) OOP concepts intro
(0:12:42) Encapsulation – OOP
(0:25:48) Abstraction – OOP
(0:30:52) Inheritance – OOP
(0:36:40) Polymorphism – OOP
(0:45:04) Coupling – OOP
(0:55:17) Composition – OOP
(0:58:11) Composition vs inheritance – OOP
(1:01:00) Fragile base class problem – OOP
(1:05:24) UML
(1:14:01) SOLID intro
(1:15:01) S – SOLID
(1:21:26) O – SOLID
(1:32:20) L – SOLID
(1:45:20) I – SOLID
(1:54:10) D – SOLID
(2:04:56) Design patterns intro
(2:05:35) Behavioural design patterns
(2:07:37) Memento pattern – behavioural
(2:33:40) State pattern – behavioural
(3:00:27) Strategy pattern – behavioural
(3:26:47) Iterator pattern – behavioural
(3:46:09) Command pattern – behavioural
(4:24:17) Template method pattern – behavioural
(4:56:50) Observer pattern – behavioural
(5:31:20) Mediator pattern – behavioural
(6:10:19) Chain of responsibility pattern – behavioural
(6:42:55) Visitor pattern – behavioural
(7:06:29) Interpreter pattern – behavioural
(7:38:53) Structural design patterns intro
(7:40:32) Composite pattern – structural
(7:56:09) Adapter pattern – structural
(8:13:26) Bridge pattern – structural
(8:33:16) Proxy pattern – structural
(8:51:33) Flyweight pattern – structural
(9:15:25) Facade pattern – structural
(9:27:13) Decorator pattern – structural
(9:55:16) Creational design patterns intro
(9:58:50) Prototype pattern – creational
(10:19:13) Singleton pattern – creational
(10:37:44) Factory method pattern – creational
(10:55:03) Abstract factory pattern – creational
(11:12:26) Builder pattern – creational
(11:46:29) Course conclusion   Read More 

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