Samsung launched the Galaxy A16 5G last month, and now it’s getting ready to unveil a very, very close sibling: the Galaxy M16. This has been spotted in the Geekbench database powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 6300 SoC, just like the A16 is.
The M16 prototype that was tested had 8GB of RAM and ran Android 14. The A16 also launched with Android 14 on board, and with a promise of receiving 6 major Android updates. Its top version has 8GB of RAM but there are also iterations with 4GB and 6GB, so the M16 might get those too.
Samsung Galaxy A16 5G
The M16 managed a single-core score of…
Samsung launched the Galaxy A16 5G last month, and now it’s getting ready to unveil a very, very close sibling: the Galaxy M16. This has been spotted in the Geekbench database powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 6300 SoC, just like the A16 is.
The M16 prototype that was tested had 8GB of RAM and ran Android 14. The A16 also launched with Android 14 on board, and with a promise of receiving 6 major Android updates. Its top version has 8GB of RAM but there are also iterations with 4GB and 6GB, so the M16 might get those too.
Samsung Galaxy A16 5G
The M16 managed a single-core score of… Read More – Latest articles