The OnePlus 13 is going global next month, after having been announced for China at the end of October. The flagship is likely to be joined at the same event by the OnePlus 13R, the successor to the 12R as a more affordable, yet still high-end option. This is probably a rebranded OnePlus Ace 5 which is due to arrive in China this month, and today the 13R’s specs have been leaked.
It is said to come with a 6.78-inch 1264×2780 AMOLED screen with 120 Hz refresh rate and better peak brightness than the 12R (though exactly how bright it will be isn’t mentioned). At the helm will sit the…
​ The OnePlus 13 is going global next month, after having been announced for China at the end of October. The flagship is likely to be joined at the same event by the OnePlus 13R, the successor to the 12R as a more affordable, yet still high-end option. This is probably a rebranded OnePlus Ace 5 which is due to arrive in China this month, and today the 13R’s specs have been leaked.
It is said to come with a 6.78-inch 1264×2780 AMOLED screen with 120 Hz refresh rate and better peak brightness than the 12R (though exactly how bright it will be isn’t mentioned). At the helm will sit the…   Read More – Latest articlesÂ