With the evolution of browsers on mobile devices more native functionalities are possible in browser based application on a mobile device, a good example of this it NFC scanning. In the past this required you to make a Hybrid or Native mobile app. Nowadays, this is perfectly possible on any Android device that has NFC scanning from in the browser using the web NFC api: Web NFC API – Web APIs | MDN (mozilla.org)
For iOS, this is still not possible because security constrains in iOS. In case of Fiori, you’ll have to create an MDK application with a plugin for NFC scanning as explained here: https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-blogs-by-members/mdk-ios-nfc-uid-scanner-how-to-use-native-functionalities-in-sap-mdk-using/ba-p/13553764
This could help you for your new Fiori projects to have NFC scanning functionality. It can also help you to move away from Hybrid or Native Mobile applications which you might have running on BTP Mobile Services. This will save costs of Mobile Service, Mobile Device Management and simplify your application.
With the evolution of browsers on mobile devices more native functionalities are possible in browser based application on a mobile device, a good example of this it NFC scanning. In the past this required you to make a Hybrid or Native mobile app. Nowadays, this is perfectly possible on any Android device that has NFC scanning from in the browser using the web NFC api: Web NFC API – Web APIs | MDN (mozilla.org)For iOS, this is still not possible because security constrains in iOS. In case of Fiori, you’ll have to create an MDK application with a plugin for NFC scanning as explained here: https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-blogs-by-members/mdk-ios-nfc-uid-scanner-how-to-use-native-functionalities-in-sap-mdk-using/ba-p/13553764 This could help you for your new Fiori projects to have NFC scanning functionality. It can also help you to move away from Hybrid or Native Mobile applications which you might have running on BTP Mobile Services. This will save costs of Mobile Service, Mobile Device Management and simplify your application. Read More Technology Blogs by Members articles