The Red Magic 10 Pro started its global rollout last month. You can find it on Amazon with a €40 voucher. The phone has a perfectly rectangular 6.85” display (with an under-display camera), a 1216p+ panel with 144Hz refresh rate and 10-bit colors. The Snapdragon 8 Elite is actively cooled by the built-in fan and there are two pressure-sensitive shoulder buttons – yes, this is a gaming phone. It has two 50MP cameras on the back (wide and ultra-wide). Inside is a massive 7,050mAh battery with 100W charging.
Red Magic 10 Pro
The Red Magic 10 Pro started its global rollout last month. You can find it on Amazon with a €40 voucher. The phone has a perfectly rectangular 6.85” display (with an under-display camera), a 1216p+ panel with 144Hz refresh rate and 10-bit colors. The Snapdragon 8 Elite is actively cooled by the built-in fan and there are two pressure-sensitive shoulder buttons – yes, this is a gaming phone. It has two 50MP cameras on the back (wide and ultra-wide). Inside is a massive 7,050mAh battery with 100W charging.
Red Magic 10 Pro
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