Lava launched the Prowatch ZN and Prowatch VN last April as its first smartwatches, and now, the Indian brand has added a third member to its smartwatch portfolio, named Lava Prowatch V1.
The Lava Prowatch V1 is a budget smartwatch featuring a 1.85″ octagonal color AMOLED screen with a 450×390-pixel resolution, 500 nits brightness, and Gorilla Glass 3 protection.
The V1 also has an IP68 rating and features a scroll button on its right side, joined by one more button, reminding us of the non-Ultra Apple Watches. Under the hood, the Lava Prowatch V1 has the Realtek 8773 chip with a…
​ Lava launched the Prowatch ZN and Prowatch VN last April as its first smartwatches, and now, the Indian brand has added a third member to its smartwatch portfolio, named Lava Prowatch V1.
The Lava Prowatch V1 is a budget smartwatch featuring a 1.85″ octagonal color AMOLED screen with a 450×390-pixel resolution, 500 nits brightness, and Gorilla Glass 3 protection.
The V1 also has an IP68 rating and features a scroll button on its right side, joined by one more button, reminding us of the non-Ultra Apple Watches. Under the hood, the Lava Prowatch V1 has the Realtek 8773 chip with a…   Read More – Latest articlesÂ