A business number is calling you out of the blue – what do they want? With the new Reason for Call feature on the AT&T network, you will see a notification on the call screen that tells you just that.
When a business calls you, they will be able to add a short note explaining why they are calling: delivery service, upcoming visit, patient callback, refill reminder, appointment reminder, customer inquiry, customer service, etc.
AT&T launched Branded Call Display last year in partnership with TransUnion. This feature shows the name and logo of the business that’s calling. And it prevents…
A business number is calling you out of the blue – what do they want? With the new Reason for Call feature on the AT&T network, you will see a notification on the call screen that tells you just that.
When a business calls you, they will be able to add a short note explaining why they are calling: delivery service, upcoming visit, patient callback, refill reminder, appointment reminder, customer inquiry, customer service, etc.
AT&T launched Branded Call Display last year in partnership with TransUnion. This feature shows the name and logo of the business that’s calling. And it prevents… Read More GSMArena.com – Latest articles