SQL Database in Fabric – Secured and governed by default | Data Exposed

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​ In this episode of Data Exposed with Anna Hoffman and Jakub Szymaszek, learn how SQL database in Microsoft Fabric ensures that security is straightforward and robust, with most security controls set up by default and requiring minimal customer configuration.

0:00 Introduction
1:47 Data encryption – enabled for every database
2:35 Authentication & authorization
3:22 Demo
5:28 Demo
10:30 General governance with Microsoft Purview
11:27 Demo
15:12 Network security – private link
17:23 Roadmap

SQL database in Fabric Ep. 1: Getting to know SQL database in Fabric: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZLy6NBBAaI&list=PLmsFUfdnGr3wGWOiCAeizvpMoxZs-KMtf&index=6
Announcing SQL database in Microsoft Fabric public preview: SQL database in Microsoft Fabric (Preview): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYBIBZDHAeg
Spoiler Alert, coming soon: LinkedIn Learning Course

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