Using “onAfterDataEntryProcess” event to implement Default Logic

Default Logic is a capability that natively exists in BPC and allows calculations to be executed for only dimensions that have recently changed. 

Using the new table event “onAfterDataEntryProcess” with a thin layer of scripting, we are able to track any key dimensions that have changed during a planning users’ active session.
Using this tracking, data actions can be executed for only the dimensions that have changed recently.



​ Default Logic is a capability that natively exists in BPC and allows calculations to be executed for only dimensions that have recently changed. Using the new table event “onAfterDataEntryProcess” with a thin layer of scripting, we are able to track any key dimensions that have changed during a planning users’ active session.Using this tracking, data actions can be executed for only the dimensions that have changed recently.    Read More Technology Blogs by SAP articles 



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