Creating a Custom Business Object (CBO) in Public Cloud, from the initial setup to enabling CRUD operations. This includes communication scenario, arrangement, and catalog association. A simple process to enable customizations in the environment.
Step 1 – Creating the CBO (Custom Business Object)
Access the Custom Business Object app.
Create a new CBO.
To enable future CRUD access, select this option.
Add the required fields, define data types and keys, then click Publish.
Step 2 – Creating the Communication Scenario
Access the Custom Communication Scenarios app.
Create a new Communication Scenario.
Define a name and description.
Save and publish.
Step 3 – Creating the Communication Arrangement
Access the Communication Arrangements app.
Create a new Communication Arrangement.
Associate it with the previously created Communication Scenario.
Select the Communication System (e.g., ZLOCAL, already pointing to the environment).
Step 4 – Linking Communications to the CBO
Open the previously created CBO.
In the Inbound Services tab, add the created service.
The Communication Arrangement is now associated.
Step 5 – Assigning the CBO to a Business Catalog
Access the Custom Catalog Extensions app.
Locate the two objects that need to be linked to a Business Catalog (IBS and SCBO).
Step 6 – Accessing the CBO CRUD (SM30 Equivalent)
1- Accessing through the CBO. Click in Go To Generated UI
2- Searching via apps.
Step 7 – Result
Click in Create to create a record.
IntroductionCreating a Custom Business Object (CBO) in Public Cloud, from the initial setup to enabling CRUD operations. This includes communication scenario, arrangement, and catalog association. A simple process to enable customizations in the environment.Step 1 – Creating the CBO (Custom Business Object)Access the Custom Business Object app. Create a new CBO. To enable future CRUD access, select this option. Add the required fields, define data types and keys, then click Publish. Step 2 – Creating the Communication ScenarioAccess the Custom Communication Scenarios app. Create a new Communication Scenario. Define a name and description. Save and publish. Step 3 – Creating the Communication ArrangementAccess the Communication Arrangements app. Create a new Communication Arrangement. Associate it with the previously created Communication Scenario. Select the Communication System (e.g., ZLOCAL, already pointing to the environment). Publish.Step 4 – Linking Communications to the CBOOpen the previously created CBO.In the Inbound Services tab, add the created service. The Communication Arrangement is now associated. Step 5 – Assigning the CBO to a Business CatalogAccess the Custom Catalog Extensions app. Locate the two objects that need to be linked to a Business Catalog (IBS and SCBO). Publish.Step 6 – Accessing the CBO CRUD (SM30 Equivalent)1- Accessing through the CBO. Click in Go To Generated UI 2- Searching via apps. Step 7 – ResultClick in Create to create a record. Read More Technology Blogs by Members articles