Increase JMS queue size in Integration Suite

Estimated read time 2 min read

This blog describes how to increase JMS queue size in Integration suite. A JMS queue size refers to the capacity of the queue to hold messages. This size can determine how many messages can be stored in the queue before any additional incoming messages are either rejected or cause alternative handling strategies like scaling or persistence to come into play.

Increasing the size of a JMS queue may be necessary for several reasons, primarily related to performance, reliability, and scalability.

1. Access integration suite tenant, click on “Integration suite” tab displayed on the webui as shown in the below screenshot:

2. You will be navigated to capabilities page as shown below: 

3. Scroll up, click on manage capabilities as shown below:

4. In Manage capabilities, you will see “Message queue details”, click on edit:

5. Increase queue size upto maximum 100 and save the changes:

6. To verify the same, navigate to Monitor > Manage message queues 






​ This blog describes how to increase JMS queue size in Integration suite. A JMS queue size refers to the capacity of the queue to hold messages. This size can determine how many messages can be stored in the queue before any additional incoming messages are either rejected or cause alternative handling strategies like scaling or persistence to come into play.Increasing the size of a JMS queue may be necessary for several reasons, primarily related to performance, reliability, and scalability.1. Access integration suite tenant, click on “Integration suite” tab displayed on the webui as shown in the below screenshot:2. You will be navigated to capabilities page as shown below: 3. Scroll up, click on manage capabilities as shown below:4. In Manage capabilities, you will see “Message queue details”, click on edit:5. Increase queue size upto maximum 100 and save the changes:6. To verify the same, navigate to Monitor > Manage message queues        Read More Technology Blogs by SAP articles 



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