Discussion on quantum computing, Majorana 1 and more with Dr. Sankar Das Sarma and Dr. Chetan Nayak

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​ Join Dr. Sankar Das Sarma, distinguished University Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland, and Dr. Chetan Nayak, Technical Fellow at Microsoft, as they discuss Microsoft’s recent quantum computing announcements regarding the Majorana 1 and our unique topological approach to building a fully scalable quantum machine.

This talk references and highlights key insights from the recent APS Global Physics Summit in Anaheim, where Dr. Nayak shared detailed data on our topological quantum computing strategy. This session will be available from APS shortly, here: https://aka.ms/APSLive_Chetan

Audio Description: https://youtu.be/Y_QA5FCOFHU

00:00 Intro
03:27 Continuing the roadmap journey
06:35 Existence of a single qubit
10:52 Timescales
15:37 X measurements
20:39 Parallelizing development
23:20 Topological gap
31:51 Topological gap protocol
36:54 Gathering more data

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