SQL DB in Fabric Integrations | Data Exposed

Estimated read time 1 min read

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​ In this episode of Data Exposed with Anna Hoffman and David Levy, we’ll take you on a tour of how SQL database in Fabric integrates with the other services within Microsoft Fabric. Fabric is really about integration – getting everything in one place and having a seamless experience no matter the tool you choose. Join us as we dive into the features of Fabric and show you how to make the most of SQL database in Microsoft Fabric.

✅ Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
1:46 Demo
16:57 What’s next

✅ Resources:
Get started with SQL database in Microsoft Fabric: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/fabric/database/sql/connect

SQL database in Fabric tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/fabric/database/sql/tutorial-introduction

📌 Let’s connect:
Twitter – Anna Hoffman, https://twitter.com/AnalyticAnna
Twitter – AzureSQL, https://aka.ms/azuresqltw

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