Microservices in Nest.js – JavaScript Tutorial

Estimated read time 2 min read

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​ Welcome to this course on building microservices with Next.js! You’ll create a delivery service application that tracks rider activity by saving their coordinates every three hours. You’ll learn to build two microservices—a Login Service and a Rider Service—and enable communication between them. By the end, you’ll have the skills to design and deploy scalable microservices.

✏️ Course from @haidermalik3402

Learn more about microservices in Next.js: https://www.haidermalik.dev/nestjs-microservices-early-access

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⭐️ Contents ⭐️
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:32 Sample-Application
0:02:20 Setup Nest.js Microservices Project
0:11:22 Install MongoDB Update
0:14:18 Why Docker
0:18:34 Run MongoDB in Docker Container
0:24:34 Run MongoDB using Docker Compose
0:29:05 Install Nestjs Mongoose Package
0:34:35 MongoDB Port Forwarding
0:39:20 Setup Module
0:49:41 Define Schema
0:56:16 Validating Request Body
1:07:31 Save Coordinates
1:18:31 Get Data from DB
1:24:22 TCP Based Microservices Communication
1:26:10 Mock Rider By ID method
1:29:04 Define Event to communicate between microservices
1:36:59 Define ID Param
1:42:23 Testing-and-Fixing Bug

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Drake Milly
👾 Ulises Moralez
👾 Goddard Tan
👾 David MG
👾 Matthew Springman
👾 Claudio
👾 Oscar R.
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Justin Hual

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