reference information missing or data type wrong using abap cds views with entity


I am developing abap cds views with entity and below code  and getting error ZI_PLANNING-MON1 reference information missing or data type wrong, see long text


@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED

@EndUserText.label: ‘PLANNING DATA’

//@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true


// serviceQuality: #X,

// sizeCategory: #S,

// dataClass: #MIXED


define view entity ZI_PLANNING as select from ZPS_REVENUE_PLAN



key proj_def as ProjDef,

key wbs_no as WbsNo,

key item_no as ItemNo,

key zyear as Zyear,

key vsn as Vsn,

tcurr as Tcurr,

deptm as Deptm,

dept_desc as DeptDesc,

prart_lvl4 as PrartLvl4,

prart_lvl5 as PrartLvl5,

prart_lvl6 as PrartLvl6,

prart_des4 as PrartDes4,

prart_des5 as PrartDes5,

prart_des6 as PrartDes6,


mon_1 as Mon1,

mon_2 as Mon2,

mon_3 as Mon3,

mon_4 as Mon4,

mon_5 as Mon5,

mon_6 as Mon6,

mon_7 as Mon7,

mon_8 as Mon8,

mon_9 as Mon9,

mon_10 as Mon10,

mon_11 as Mon11,

mon_12 as Mon12,

created_date as CreatedDate,

changed_date as ChangedDate,

created_by as CreatedBy,

changed_by as ChangedBy,

del_ind as DelInd,

remark as Remark,

tot_cost as TotCost,

tot_rev_cst as TotRevCst,

status as Status,

proj_def_back as ProjDefBack,

wbs_def_back as WbsDefBack,

billable as Billable





​ Hi,I am developing abap cds views with entity and below code  and getting error ZI_PLANNING-MON1 reference information missing or data type wrong, see long text @AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED@EndUserText.label: ‘PLANNING DATA’//@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true//@ObjectModel.usageType:{// serviceQuality: #X,// sizeCategory: #S,// dataClass: #MIXED//}define view entity ZI_PLANNING as select from ZPS_REVENUE_PLAN {key proj_def as ProjDef,key wbs_no as WbsNo,key item_no as ItemNo,key zyear as Zyear,key vsn as Vsn,tcurr as Tcurr,deptm as Deptm,dept_desc as DeptDesc,prart_lvl4 as PrartLvl4,prart_lvl5 as PrartLvl5,prart_lvl6 as PrartLvl6,prart_des4 as PrartDes4,prart_des5 as PrartDes5,prart_des6 as PrartDes6, mon_1 as Mon1,mon_2 as Mon2,mon_3 as Mon3,mon_4 as Mon4,mon_5 as Mon5,mon_6 as Mon6,mon_7 as Mon7,mon_8 as Mon8,mon_9 as Mon9,mon_10 as Mon10,mon_11 as Mon11,mon_12 as Mon12,created_date as CreatedDate,changed_date as ChangedDate,created_by as CreatedBy,changed_by as ChangedBy,del_ind as DelInd,remark as Remark,tot_cost as TotCost,tot_rev_cst as TotRevCst,status as Status,proj_def_back as ProjDefBack,wbs_def_back as WbsDefBack,billable as Billable}     Read More Technology Blogs by Members articles 



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