All about Bex Query elements in SAP BW/BW4HANA

Estimated read time 16 min read


In SAP BW on HANA or BW4HANA, there is no straightforward way to get query elements details like Variables details, Filter Details, Default Values Details, Row /Column Selection Details etc. used in a Bex query.

Especially in migration projects, it is very difficult to collect the inventory details for Bex queries. To check the elements of a complex query or multiple queries is really painful at times. We must manually open each selection and look at the selections one by one and it’s a time-consuming activity.

With the help of this document, we will be able to correlate various tables in the backend where the elements of the Query are saved.

In this blog, we will try to cover some of the important concepts of query elements and how they can be cross referred and checked in the backend tables.

Below are the some of the important tables used in this blog to understand elements of a BEx query.


Important Tables

Table Name



This table has all the details related to the selections in a Query


Details of Query, like the COMPUID(ID of the  Query ) , owner name , last changed, creation date etc.


This table is similar to RSZCOMPDIR table but additionally we will get info provider name on which query is built.


Details of the various references of objects used in the Query like row details, column details, filter details , default values, exceptions ,conditions etc. This is the main reference table for all the objects where the technical references are maintained.


This table has all the Formula details of the Query level selections


This table has the details of all the properties of the query level selections like the hierarchy used at the default restrictions, scaling factors, input readiness of cells ,etc.


This table has the text details of all the selections in the query.

Before going to the actual details, it would be great if we understand the structure of a tables RSZELTXREF and RSZRANGE

Structure of the table RSZELTXREFScreenshot 1: Structure of the table RSZELTXREF












The table RSZELTXREF gives a list of cross references with the below values for the field LAYTP. Segregation based on the below mentioned LAYTP types.


Reference to the query


Query Variable Sequence with the sequence mentioned in the field POS


Exceptions and Conditions


Cell restrictions, Row and Column Structure, Default values and Free Char


Row and column and filter values.


Filter Details


Row Details


Column Details


Cell References

Structure of the table RSZRANGE

Screenshot 2: Structure of the table RSZRANGE













Some of the important fields in RSZRANGE table

Field Name



Unique ID Of the selection


The respective Info Object on which the restrictions have been made


Order of restriction in a selection


Has various values to describe the selection type


Describes the type of selection sign for ex Equal to or not equal to
i.e Include or exclude a selection


Has the sign of operator i.e., eq, lt, gt etc.


Has the low value


In case of range values, the high value is populated


Describes the types of value used in a low field. Mentioned below are
the various allowed types


In case of an offset usage, the flag is used to set the offset
  values i.e(+,- the values)


Describes the types of value used in a high field


Name of hierarchy if any used


Flag which holds the value of type of selection for hierarchy name


Version name


Flag which holds the value of type of selection for Version


The TO date of the Hierarchy.


Flag which holds the value of type of selection for To Date.

Now let’s begin on how to obtain various technical details of the Queries.

In this blog post, covering the below topics in detail.

Filter DetailsDefault Values DetailsTechnical Info object Names of all the Default valuesFor Selecting the Hierarchy in Default valuesRow /Column Selection DetailsRow /Column formulae DetailsRow /Column Text DetailsCell References DetailsExceptions and conditions

Now let’s discuss one by one in detail.


1. Filter Details

Step 1 : In the Table RSZCOMPDIR / RSRREPDIR enter the query technical name in the field COMPID to obtain the COMPUID of the query.

Screenshot 3: Output of RSZCOMPDIR table





Step 2 : In the RSZELTXREF table, enter the COMPUID of the query(from step 1) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.

Screenshot 4 : Output of RSZELTXREF table








Step 3: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 2, where LAYTP = ‘SOB’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.

Screenshot 5 : Output of RSZELTXREF table














Step 4: In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘AGG’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the technical details of the Filters as depicted in the below screenshot.

Screenshot 6: Output of RSZRANGE table












Note: Follow the same process for ‘n’ number of queries.


2. Default Values Details

Step 1: In the Table RSZCOMPDIR / RSRREPDIR enter the query technical name in the field COMPID to obtain the COMPUID of the query.

Screenshot 7: Output of RSZCOMPDIR table





Step 2: In the RSZELTXREF table, enter the COMPUID of the query (from step 1) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.

Screenshot 8 : Output of RSZELTXREF table








Step 3: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 2, where LAYTP = ‘SHT’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.

Screenshot 9 : Output of RSZELTXREF table


















Step 4: In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘AGG’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table

Screenshot 10 : Output of RSZRANGE table











Note: Follow the same process for ‘n’ number of queries.


3. Technical Info object Names of all the Default values

In default values details (section 2), we got default values with restriction details only, but we may have some other info objects without restriction in default values section. To find the info objects names of all the Default values, follow the below steps.

Follow step 1, step 2 and step 3 from Default values details section.

In the RSZELTDIR table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘AGG’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain Info object Names of all the Default values.

Screenshot 11: Output of RSZELTDIR table








4. For Selecting the Hierarchy in default values

Follow step 1, step 2 and step 3 from Default values details section.

In the RSZELTPROP table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘AGG’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the list of all the records with Hierarchies.

Screenshot 12 : Output of RSZELTPROP table









5. Row /Column Selection Details

Step 1: In the Table RSZCOMPDIR / RSRREPDIR enter the query technical name in the field COMPID to obtain the COMPUID of the query.

Screenshot 13 : Output of RSZCOMPDIR table




Step 2: In the RSZELTXREF table, enter the COMPUID of the query (from step 1) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.

Screenshot 14 : Output of RSZELTXREF table








Step 3: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 2, where LAYTP = ‘SHT’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.

Screenshot 15 : Output of RSZELTXREF table

















Step 4: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘COL/ROW’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.

Screenshot 16 : Output of RSZELTXREF table



















Step 5: In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 4) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the selection details in Rows/Columns.

Screenshot 17 : Output of RSZRANGE table












Note: Follow the same process for ‘n’ number of queries.


6. Row /Column Formulae Details

Follow step 1, step 2, step 3 and step 4 from above Row /Column selection details section.

In the RSZCALC table, enter the TELTUID (from step 4) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the formulae details in Rows/Columns.

Screenshot 18 : Output of RSZCALC table













7. Row /Column text Details

Follow step 1, step 2, step 3 and step 4 from above Row /Column selection details section.

In the RSZELTXT table, enter the TELTUID (from step 4) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the text details in Rows/Columns.

Screenshot 19 : Output of RSZELTTXT table



















8. Cell References Details

Step 1: In the Table RSZCOMPDIR / RSRREPDIR enter the query technical name in the field COMPID to obtain the COMPUID of the query.

Step 2: In the RSZELTXREF table, enter the COMPUID of the query (from step 1) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.

Step 3: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 2, where LAYTP = ‘SHT’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.

Step 4: In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘CELL’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain cell references of type selection.

Note: if you want to obtain cell references of types formulae then use the table RSZCALC instead of RSZRANGE in step 4. Similarly use the table RSZELTPROP to obtain just cell level references.


9. Exceptions and Conditions

Follow step 1, step 2 and step 3 from above section.

In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘NIL’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the exceptions and conditions.

Note: In RSZRANGE table, in the field IOBJN, if the value is 1CONDITIONS then it’s for conditions and in case of Exception the value in the field IOBJNM is 1EXCEPTIONS.




​ IntroductionIn SAP BW on HANA or BW4HANA, there is no straightforward way to get query elements details like Variables details, Filter Details, Default Values Details, Row /Column Selection Details etc. used in a Bex query.Especially in migration projects, it is very difficult to collect the inventory details for Bex queries. To check the elements of a complex query or multiple queries is really painful at times. We must manually open each selection and look at the selections one by one and it’s a time-consuming activity.With the help of this document, we will be able to correlate various tables in the backend where the elements of the Query are saved.In this blog, we will try to cover some of the important concepts of query elements and how they can be cross referred and checked in the backend tables.Below are the some of the important tables used in this blog to understand elements of a BEx query. Important TablesTable NameRelevanceRSZRANGEThis table has all the details related to the selections in a QueryRSZCOMPDIRDetails of Query, like the COMPUID(ID of the  Query ) , owner name , last changed, creation date etc.RSRREPDIRThis table is similar to RSZCOMPDIR table but additionally we will get info provider name on which query is built.RSZELTXREFDetails of the various references of objects used in the Query like row details, column details, filter details , default values, exceptions ,conditions etc. This is the main reference table for all the objects where the technical references are maintained.RSZCALCThis table has all the Formula details of the Query level selectionsRSZELTPROPThis table has the details of all the properties of the query level selections like the hierarchy used at the default restrictions, scaling factors, input readiness of cells ,etc.RSZELTTXTThis table has the text details of all the selections in the query.Before going to the actual details, it would be great if we understand the structure of a tables RSZELTXREF and RSZRANGEStructure of the table RSZELTXREFScreenshot 1: Structure of the table RSZELTXREF           The table RSZELTXREF gives a list of cross references with the below values for the field LAYTP. Segregation based on the below mentioned LAYTP types.LAYTPReference to the queryVAR,QVSQuery Variable Sequence with the sequence mentioned in the field POSNILLExceptions and ConditionsSHTCell restrictions, Row and Column Structure, Default values and Free CharSOBRow and column and filter values.AGGFilter DetailsROWRow DetailsCOLColumn DetailsCELLCell ReferencesStructure of the table RSZRANGEScreenshot 2: Structure of the table RSZRANGE            Some of the important fields in RSZRANGE tableField NameRelevanceELTUIDUnique ID Of the selectionIOBJNMThe respective Info Object on which the restrictions have been madeENUMOrder of restriction in a selectionSELTYPHas various values to describe the selection typeSIGNDescribes the type of selection sign for ex Equal to or not equal toi.e Include or exclude a selectionOPTHas the sign of operator i.e., eq, lt, gt etc.LOWHas the low valueHIGHIn case of range values, the high value is populatedLOWFLAGDescribes the types of value used in a low field. Mentioned below arethe various allowed typesSHIFTLOWIn case of an offset usage, the flag is used to set the offset  values i.e(+,- the values)HIGHFLAGDescribes the types of value used in a high fieldHIENMName of hierarchy if any usedHIENMFLAGFlag which holds the value of type of selection for hierarchy nameVERSIONVersion nameVERSIONFLAGFlag which holds the value of type of selection for VersionDATETOThe TO date of the Hierarchy.DATETOFLAGFlag which holds the value of type of selection for To Date.Now let’s begin on how to obtain various technical details of the Queries.In this blog post, covering the below topics in detail.Filter DetailsDefault Values DetailsTechnical Info object Names of all the Default valuesFor Selecting the Hierarchy in Default valuesRow /Column Selection DetailsRow /Column formulae DetailsRow /Column Text DetailsCell References DetailsExceptions and conditionsNow let’s discuss one by one in detail. 1. Filter DetailsStep 1 : In the Table RSZCOMPDIR / RSRREPDIR enter the query technical name in the field COMPID to obtain the COMPUID of the query.Screenshot 3: Output of RSZCOMPDIR table    Step 2 : In the RSZELTXREF table, enter the COMPUID of the query(from step 1) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.Screenshot 4 : Output of RSZELTXREF table       Step 3: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 2, where LAYTP = ‘SOB’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.Screenshot 5 : Output of RSZELTXREF table             Step 4: In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘AGG’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the technical details of the Filters as depicted in the below screenshot.Screenshot 6: Output of RSZRANGE table           Note: Follow the same process for ‘n’ number of queries. 2. Default Values DetailsStep 1: In the Table RSZCOMPDIR / RSRREPDIR enter the query technical name in the field COMPID to obtain the COMPUID of the query.Screenshot 7: Output of RSZCOMPDIR table    Step 2: In the RSZELTXREF table, enter the COMPUID of the query (from step 1) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.Screenshot 8 : Output of RSZELTXREF table       Step 3: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 2, where LAYTP = ‘SHT’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.Screenshot 9 : Output of RSZELTXREF table                 Step 4: In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘AGG’) in the field SELTUID and execute the tableScreenshot 10 : Output of RSZRANGE table          Note: Follow the same process for ‘n’ number of queries. 3. Technical Info object Names of all the Default valuesIn default values details (section 2), we got default values with restriction details only, but we may have some other info objects without restriction in default values section. To find the info objects names of all the Default values, follow the below steps.Follow step 1, step 2 and step 3 from Default values details section.In the RSZELTDIR table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘AGG’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain Info object Names of all the Default values.Screenshot 11: Output of RSZELTDIR table       4. For Selecting the Hierarchy in default valuesFollow step 1, step 2 and step 3 from Default values details section.In the RSZELTPROP table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘AGG’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the list of all the records with Hierarchies.Screenshot 12 : Output of RSZELTPROP table        5. Row /Column Selection DetailsStep 1: In the Table RSZCOMPDIR / RSRREPDIR enter the query technical name in the field COMPID to obtain the COMPUID of the query.Screenshot 13 : Output of RSZCOMPDIR table   Step 2: In the RSZELTXREF table, enter the COMPUID of the query (from step 1) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.Screenshot 14 : Output of RSZELTXREF table       Step 3: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 2, where LAYTP = ‘SHT’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.Screenshot 15 : Output of RSZELTXREF table                Step 4: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘COL/ROW’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.Screenshot 16 : Output of RSZELTXREF table                  Step 5: In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 4) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the selection details in Rows/Columns.Screenshot 17 : Output of RSZRANGE table           Note: Follow the same process for ‘n’ number of queries. 6. Row /Column Formulae DetailsFollow step 1, step 2, step 3 and step 4 from above Row /Column selection details section.In the RSZCALC table, enter the TELTUID (from step 4) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the formulae details in Rows/Columns.Screenshot 18 : Output of RSZCALC table            7. Row /Column text DetailsFollow step 1, step 2, step 3 and step 4 from above Row /Column selection details section.In the RSZELTXT table, enter the TELTUID (from step 4) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the text details in Rows/Columns.Screenshot 19 : Output of RSZELTTXT table                  8. Cell References DetailsStep 1: In the Table RSZCOMPDIR / RSRREPDIR enter the query technical name in the field COMPID to obtain the COMPUID of the query.Step 2: In the RSZELTXREF table, enter the COMPUID of the query (from step 1) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.Step 3: Again, in the RSZELTXREF table, enter TELTUID (from step 2, where LAYTP = ‘SHT’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table.Step 4: In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘CELL’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain cell references of type selection.Note: if you want to obtain cell references of types formulae then use the table RSZCALC instead of RSZRANGE in step 4. Similarly use the table RSZELTPROP to obtain just cell level references. 9. Exceptions and ConditionsFollow step 1, step 2 and step 3 from above section.In the RSZRANGE table, enter the TELTUID (from step 3, where LAYTP = ‘NIL’) in the field SELTUID and execute the table to obtain the exceptions and conditions.Note: In RSZRANGE table, in the field IOBJN, if the value is 1CONDITIONS then it’s for conditions and in case of Exception the value in the field IOBJNM is 1EXCEPTIONS.     Read More Technology Blogs by Members articles 



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