Apple launched the iPad Pro in May 2024 with the M4 chip, making it the most powerful iPad to date. Now, just in time for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, Amazon is offering the tablets at a discount for the first time.
[#InlinePriceWidget, 12986, 1#]
The 11-inch iPad Pro (2024) is at least $100 cheaper in all available configurations – both colors, both connectivity options, two glass finishes and four memory variants.
[#InlinePriceWidget, 12987, 1#]
The 13-inch iPad Pro (2024) is an even greater deal, if you need a big tablet with iPadOS. Each combination is at least $200…
​ Apple launched the iPad Pro in May 2024 with the M4 chip, making it the most powerful iPad to date. Now, just in time for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, Amazon is offering the tablets at a discount for the first time.
[#InlinePriceWidget, 12986, 1#]
The 11-inch iPad Pro (2024) is at least $100 cheaper in all available configurations – both colors, both connectivity options, two glass finishes and four memory variants.
[#InlinePriceWidget, 12987, 1#]
The 13-inch iPad Pro (2024) is an even greater deal, if you need a big tablet with iPadOS. Each combination is at least $200…   Read More – Latest articlesÂ