vivo teased the X200 and X200 Pro in India over a week ago, and today, the brand announced these smartphones will debut in the Asian country on December 12 at noon local time. The X200 series also includes the vivo X200 Pro mini, but it will remain China-exclusive. For now, at least.
The vivo X200 Pro will be available in Cosmos Black and Titanium Grey colors in India, while the vivo X200 will come in Cosmos Black and Natural Green. vivo also said that both models will come with 16GB RAM and 512GB storage onboard, but it’s unclear if there will be more options.
vivo X200 •…
​ vivo teased the X200 and X200 Pro in India over a week ago, and today, the brand announced these smartphones will debut in the Asian country on December 12 at noon local time. The X200 series also includes the vivo X200 Pro mini, but it will remain China-exclusive. For now, at least.
The vivo X200 Pro will be available in Cosmos Black and Titanium Grey colors in India, while the vivo X200 will come in Cosmos Black and Natural Green. vivo also said that both models will come with 16GB RAM and 512GB storage onboard, but it’s unclear if there will be more options.
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