15 little-known Google Assistant tricks for Android

Estimated read time 2 min read

Fancy new features are fan-frickin’-tastic. But let’s face it: We aren’t all carrying shiny new phones right now. And we don’t all have shiny new Android versions in front of our shiny faces this time of year.

That doesn’t, however, mean we can’t enjoy the gift of useful new goodies on our favorite Googley gizmos. Android is absolutely brimming with buried treasures — phenomenal time-saving and productivity-boosting possibilities built right into the software on our existing phones, no matter who made ’em or how old they may be (within the realm of reason, anyway; if you’re still totin’ around a phone with Froyo, sorry pal, but you’re on your own).

To read this article in full, please click here

​ Fancy new features are fan-frickin’-tastic. But let’s face it: We aren’t all carrying shiny new phones right now. And we don’t all have shiny new Android versions in front of our shiny faces this time of year.That doesn’t, however, mean we can’t enjoy the gift of useful new goodies on our favorite Googley gizmos. Android is absolutely brimming with buried treasures — phenomenal time-saving and productivity-boosting possibilities built right into the software on our existing phones, no matter who made ’em or how old they may be (within the realm of reason, anyway; if you’re still totin’ around a phone with Froyo, sorry pal, but you’re on your own).To read this article in full, please click here   Read More Computerworld 

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