Armchair Architects: Are AI Charters Valuable?

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​ Spoiler alert: the short answer is “yes”. If you’ve been watching our #ArmchairArchitects series for a while, then you know there was a lot of discussion between David, Uli, and Eric (@mougue) about the importance of an AI Charter, and what should be included. If you’re considering diving into the world of AI, this episode of the #AzureEnablementShow is for you!

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0:00 Introduction
1:09 Transparency and ethics
2:18 Real-world example
4:04 Write it down
4:40 Weapons of Math Destruction
6:10 It’s not all Skynet
7:25 What’s in the charter?
8:27 RAG
10:17 Employee guidance
11:10 It’s a living document   Read More Microsoft Developer 

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