No Time For Procrastination: the reason why we started traveling

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​ This is for the dreamers, adventurers and overlanders….

We learned it the hard way, you don’t always have the time to procrastinate on your dreams.
And we had so many doubts starting our dream of traveling the world with our dog:

– Is it even possible with a dog?
– Can we make it work financially?
– Do we even like living out of a car?

For every reason we could do it, we thought of something else why we shouldn’t. But at the end, when we had the chance, we did it: we bought an old Land Rover Defender.

And after a year combining travels and coming back home for work we learned a lot, not only the positives. But our dream grew further and further.

Can we take on the even bigger hurdles to start our new dream?

Can we stop procrastinating on our dream?   Read More Lewie and the Rover 



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