Google is bringing verified checkmarks to its search engine

Estimated read time 2 min read

Verified checkmarks used to be a status symbol before Elon Musk ruined everything by allowing the plebs to purchase said status. Google, however, might be bringing back the status symbol nature of verified checkmarks, as it seems intent on introducing them to its search results.

This is only a test at the moment, which only a limited subset of Google users are seeing. But what they are seeing will definitely seem familiar to anyone who’s been on a social media site in the past few years.

The checkmarks are blue and show up next to business links, which makes this a case of good…

​ Verified checkmarks used to be a status symbol before Elon Musk ruined everything by allowing the plebs to purchase said status. Google, however, might be bringing back the status symbol nature of verified checkmarks, as it seems intent on introducing them to its search results.

This is only a test at the moment, which only a limited subset of Google users are seeing. But what they are seeing will definitely seem familiar to anyone who’s been on a social media site in the past few years.

The checkmarks are blue and show up next to business links, which makes this a case of good…   Read More – Latest articles 

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