DBA Job Desc

here is, if you want be DBA in IT environment… :
in the world so many database, this is depend on what you needed 🙂 from embedded till enterprise scalable, here we go some database :
Oracale, MSSQL, firebird MSDE,MYSQL,INFORMIX and so many again, you can ask to uncle google 😛
and the most commonly task of DBA is… 🙂 i would you like to be aDBA database master, cause a lot of benefit you will get it… 🙂

  1. Installation and Configuration
    • Software Installation
    • Hardware and Software Configuration
  2. Security
    • Network Security
    • System Auditing
  3. Operations
    • Backup and Restore
    • User Management
    • Other Routine Maintenance
  4. Service Levels
      1. System Monitor
      2. SQL Server Enterprise Manager
      3. Third-party RDBMS monitors
      4. Network monitors
      5. User surveys
      6. Tools for monitoring disk space usage
    • Performance Tuning and Monitoring
    • example
    • Sizing and Capacity Planning
  5. System Uptime
    • Planning and Scheduling of System Downtime
    • Disaster Recovery
  6. Documentation
    • Configuration Documentation
      • Hardware configuration
      • Software components
      • Database configuration
      • Software tuning
    • System Log
      • Observations
      • System changes
      • System failures
      • Backup and restore operations
      • Scheduled maintenance
    • Design Documentation
    • Operational Maintenance Plans
      • Disaster Recovery Plans
  7. Design and Development
    • Data Modeling and Analysis
    • Database Design
    • Stored Procedure Development
    • Application Development
    • Information Sharing
  8. Miscellaneous
    • Cluster Administration
    • Replication Administration
    • Help Desk
    • Purchasing Input
    • Capacity Monitoring
    • Capacity Monitoring

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